Stoprage and Distribution
Storage & Distribution We provide domestic and international storage services in line with the...
INSURANCE The main areas of providing insurance services may be summarized as...
Customs Efficient customs management and a total respect for the safety and security of...
Expo & Event Logistics
EXPO & EVENT LOGİSTİCS Expos are the best way to explore international markets, observing...
Project Logistics
PROJECT LOGISTICS Fargo Logistics produces appropriate solutions for their clients projects, no matter size,...
Rail Freight
RAIL FREIGTH With rail transport, loads are transported more safely and economically. It is...
Ocean Freight
Ocean Freight FCL (full container loading) thanks to global contracts with top worldwide carriers,...
Air Freight
Air Freight Fargo can provide full range of air freight products meeting the requirement...
Road Freight
Road Freight Fargo Lojistik connects its customers in Turkey with the economic centers in...